
I think everyone know this game “Goli” (Marble) which everyone would have played in your childhoods. The  best game I have played so far in my life “Goli” that can’t be replaced by any other games.

Remembering my childhood, it was the happiest days in my life. Getting up early morning searching in my home to find any paisa (10,20 or 50 paisa) or I ll ask my grandma to give some paisa. I ll get the money and I ll run to the shop to buy this “Goli”.  It will be light and dark green colour and  it ll look so beautiful. 

Then I go to playground where all my friends will be playing with the “goli” and I will go and join them. The game will be like this, we will draw a box in the ground and we will make two small holes.  The player should stand at a distance and he ll throw the two “goli ” inside the box. Then he ll ask which one he should hit.  The opponent will tell him which “goli” to hit. If the player hits then he will win.

This is how we ll play and there are many other ways we play with this “goli ” . sometimes when I  play the “goli” breaks and I will be worried and I even cried once.  I take the broken pieces of “Goli” and I ll keep it safe.  

Those were the memorable and most happiest days in my life. Still I love to play that game.

The current generation doesn’t even know the names of those games like Goli, Bambaram, Gilli etc . Since the technology is developed the children doesn’t even come out of their home.  They play video games and online games in mobiles, pc’s. These video game and online games make the children very lazy and create various health problems. 

Don’t let the children suffer from the problems caused by the growing technologies.  Give them a  peaceful environment and tell them to play the natural games that you have played in your childhoods and make them live a healthy life.

Readers please comment your thoughts…….

2 thoughts on ““Goli” 

  1. I love that you’re sharing nostalgic games with the next generation and encouraging parents to do so as well. It looks like what you are playing is what we call marbles in the US. I think it is so interesting how even though we come from different cultures and backgrounds, we are still so alike. We grew up playing the same things and dreaming the same dreams. Thanks for sharing, great post!

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